Side Split: 9 Flexibility Training Mistakes. What Is Preventing You Fr – EasyFlexibility

Side Split: 9 Flexibility Training Mistakes. What Is Preventing You From Getting Your Full 180 Degree Side Split.

Posted by Paul Zaichik on

Side Split Muscle Animation
Flexibility training mistakes you are currently making that are preventing you from doing a 180-degree side split. What is preventing you from getting your full split? Is it the training frequency? Improper warmup? Random flexibility training? Or is it something else? In this article we give you 9 flexibility training mistakes you are currently making and how to correct them.

Mistake #1: Wrong Flexibility Training Frequency

Simply put, training frequency is how many times a week you work on your flexibility. Not training the right number of times can affect your flexibility greatly. Too little or too many times a week can cause setbacks, in some cases even injuries.

So, what is the golden rule of training frequency for flexibility? How much is too much? How much is too little? The correct flexibility training frequency for most people is about three times a week or every 48 hours. Flexibility training frequency depends on the number of rounds. Or how many times you repeat a stretch. Training frequency can depend on how familiar you are and accustomed to your flexibility training routine. The more familiar you are, the more used to the routine, the more often you can do it.

But what does “more often” mean? Does it mean every day? Twice a Day? Twice a Week? More often does not mean every day or twice a day, it means three times a week as opposed to two times a week.

If you are too eager and you are training every day, your body is not recovering fast enough. If anything, you are accumulating micro damage and inflammation that will eventually stop, and quite often reverse the progress.

If your training is very infrequent, on the other hand, you lose the flexibility that you’ve gained. For example, if you train every five days, or every six, seven days or more, your body loses the flexibility it has gained, and you get stuck in one place.

Mistake # 2: Improper Strength & Flexibility Warm-up

This one seems so obvious, but it has a deeper meaning than you think. There is a difference between a warmup and a proper warm up. A warmup is better than no warmup at all, but it may not be a proper warmup.

Running is good. Walking is good. Jump rope is good. And jumping jacks are good. But if you are stretching your adductors and hamstrings and some of the hip flexors, you want to warm up these particular muscles.

And if you are going to support your flexibility with strength exercises, which is super essential, and we'll cover that next. You must warm up the muscles that you will use during strength exercises as well. The muscles that will be used to support your flexibility.

So, your workout must be planned. And your warmup must be planned as well, to prepare specific muscles to be stretched and strengthened, for optimal flexibility gains.

Side (Middle) Split Strength & Flexibility Training at Home


Try a Zaichik Stretching Technique called ~Content~ ZST from the EasyFlexibility system right now!

If you want a proven, safe, easy to understand and do training program based on science, that is guaranteed to get you that perfect 180 Degree Split, then register for this course and start your training today!

This Online On Demand Video Training Combo Contains:
  • Side Splits Beginner Level program
  • Side Splits Intermediate level program
  • Side Splits Advanced Level program
Click Here to learn More About the Side Splits Combo!

Mistake #3: Random Flexibility Training

Most often than not we find that people do not stick to a schedule when working on their flexibility. Nor do they gradually build up the number of rounds. A very important component. Many who are trying to get a side split, usually do it this way. They sit down and do a little bit of stretching, sometimes they hold the stretch one time, sometimes multiple times, sometimes for 30 seconds, sometimes for a minute, etc. This DOES NOT lead to improvement!

In the EasyFlexibility system, we do not recommend holding stretches or doing anything like that period. It has to be a gradual process. Number of rounds matters. In the EasyFlexibility System one round is comprised of stretching and strengthening exercises. The more rounds you do the more and faster results you see.

However, you must gradually build up your number of rounds for maximum results. The fastest flexibility results for most people come between 5 and 6 rounds. So, your flexibility training must be scheduled, and it must be gradual. Your training cannot be random if you are looking to actually master a side split.

Mistake #4: Not supporting your flexibility training with movement and stretching.

This was one of our earlier findings in EasyFlexibility. That people who supported their flexibility training, with at that time, their sports activities such as dance or martial arts, retained flexibility better.

So, we created specific strength exercises and specific movement exercises and combined them with flexibility exercises. This allowed the flexibility gained to be retained. So that when you train one day and then you train the next day you don't start from zero again, you start more flexible than the day before.

And of course, strength training and flexibility and movement training has a lot of other benefits besides just flexibility retention. It encourages deeper flexibility during the training session. It helps to prevent injuries. It allows the flexibility to right away be transferred into target skills. Such as, if you are looking to do a side tilt in dance or a high kick in martial arts (side kick combo link) or any other skill. There's a transfer over right away.

Mistake #5: Using the standard old, relaxed stretching for your Side Splits training.

You know the drill. You sit down, bring your legs apart, sit there for a while, maybe stretch to one leg, stretch to the other leg and hope for the best. And while there are definitely people out there that have gotten their splits this way. For most it is an outdated old method that leads to nowhere, except disappointment.

The fastest way is focusing on one muscle at a time. Using Target and Leverage principles to lengthen the muscle. Without having to fight the stretch reflex by using multiple actions of the same muscle against each other. This Target & Leverage principle is what we use in our EasyFlexibility Side Splits Training Program. We focus on one muscle at a time which allows for fast, safe and easy progress.

Side (Middle) Split Strength & Flexibility Training at Home

If you want a proven, safe, easy to understand and do training program based on science, that is guaranteed to get you that perfect 180 Degree Split, then register for this course and start your training today!

This Online On Demand Video Training Combo Contains:
  • Side Splits Beginner Level program
  • Side Splits Intermediate level program
  • Side Splits Advanced Level program
Click Here to learn More About the Side Splits Combo!

Mistake #6: Poor Nutrition

Nutrition and hydration cannot be overlooked. And while this sounds simple enough, most people have very poor nutrition when it comes to flexibility training. And while young people can get away with poor diet when working on their splits, for adults it’s a completely different story.

The importance of nutrition goes beyond the splits flexibility training. What you eat directly influences the type of nutrients that your body receives in order to get you to feel your best. If you have poor eating habits you are more likely to experience cramps, spasms, soreness, bruised feeling and pulled muscles. And of course, this transfers over into splits training. And while I do see adults with poor nutrition still get their splits, it is a flexibility component not to be overlooked.

Mistake #7: Not focusing on your flexibility training.

Let’s say that you a runner and your primary goal is running. But you decided that you also want to be able to do a side split. So, you start stretching for your side split here and there, occasionally. This is a big problem, as far as splits training is concerned.

Whether you are a weightlifter, a runner, a tennis player, a swimmer, or whatever other activity it is that you primarily do. If, you don't dedicate specific sessions like we discussed above, proper warm up, proper strength training, proper flexibility, special dedicated sessions to your split training, your progress will lag behind.

Remember that bit about poor nutrition? Well, your body only gets a certain amount of nutrition, vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, amino acids. And if you do a lot of activities, there can be a lot of micro damage in the muscles and tendons all over the body. Many physiological changes that must be repaired. If your body is repairing your back, your shoulders, your chest, your quadriceps and your abdominals and everything at the same time, it doesn't have that much left to repair the tissues that get adjusted during your splits training. Thus, if you do a lot of activities together your splits progress will lag.

You can still get your splits. A lot of people do while doing many activities at the same time. It is just going to take longer. This applies to not only working on your splits and doing other sport activities at the same time. This also applies to you doing many different flexibility training at the same time. For example, if you are working on your back and on your shoulders, on your glutes, on your hip flexors and everything at the same time. Your progress will still lag as opposed to if you just focus, get one skill first, maintain it and move on to the next skill.

In the EasyFlexibility system we have programs for all the different skills that you could possibly want to master, as well as programs broken up by various muscle groups to get you flexible as fast as possible. You can see a catalogue of all our programs by clicking here.

Mistake #8: Not increasing the number of rounds.

This is a BIG one. Very often when people contact us who are using the EasyFlexibility programs asking for advice. Most often the question is about the number of rounds that they should do. A round in the EasyFlexibility system refers to all the stretching exercises followed by all the strength exercises.

Most people will usually do two rounds and for one reason or another forget to increase the number of rounds in their stretching workout. Once reminded to gradually increase their flexibility training to 5 to 6 rounds, their flexibility and maintenance of that progress increases exponentially.

So, their results would increase and would at the same time get retained. I can't tell you how many times people would write to us and say it was so simple. The answer was right there. I know you said to do 5 to 6 rounds in the instructions, but I figured, well, you know, what's the difference? I'll do two. And when I started doing more, I saw the results.

Therefore, as you work on your EasyFlexibility Side Split program remember to gradually increase the number of rounds for optimum results.

Mistake # 9: Being discouraging by false advertising and false promises.

This happens all the time. You see a YouTube video where someone tells you that
if you use their splits routine you’ll get your splits in one session, a day, in 5 minutes no matter what! You buy into their promise and try the program one time which leaves you super sore. You try again and get nowhere. Nothing happens, you still don’t have your split after trying their 5-minute splits training program. This only leads to you being discouraged. But all that happened is you fell for their marketing clickbait. For a promise that cannot possibly be real. No, you cannot get your split in 5 minutes. That is simply impossible.

It doesn't work that way. You might get your splits fast if you have some flexibility already and you meet all the flexibility requirements for a split. But the training sessions are not going to be 5 minutes or 10 minutes. You must be prepared for that. Getting a split is an investment of time and dedication. Where you train the
right way and stick to your training until you get results.

The only sure way you can know how long it will take you to do your splits is to
start using the program. Track your progress. See your way to improvement, and then you would know when you're going to get your split. We have developed a free Stretch180App that calculates the date that you will get your split based on your training results. This app is very accurate. There are times when, due to circumstances in someone's life, the rate of progress can shift, but if the rate of progress stays the same the app calculates a date of completion, which is usually accurate based on thousands of people that have gotten their 180 degree splits using the EasyFlexibility programs by the predicted date of our Stretch180 app.

Want to try a FREE exercise to improve your Side Split right now?

EasyFlexibility Certified Instructor Judy will show you how!
Watch this video right now!
We did a break down of each of the muscles that are involved in a split, if ONLY ONE of them is tight or weak, the split WON'T HAPPEN. What's worse, not only will you keep stretching and stretching, and yet nothing will happen, but stretching the wrong way can set you back for weeks due to injuries...

Then what's the SOLUTION...?

To use a method to PINPOINT which muscle is tight, and work on it, kinesiologically, which means targeting the issue in a way that is natural for your body. The ElasticSteel method allows you to do just that. Read On!

In the past most people tried to achieve their straddle split, by forcing the legs apart. Either using a partner, a stretching machine or their own bodyweight.

This method of course works, since many have gotten their split this way... through a lot of pain, suffering, plateaus, and injuries...

Our Method: ZST (Zaichik Stretching Techniques)

With ZST (Zaichik Stretching Technique) we can go even further and check with muscle is more flexible or tight and on which leg.

All you have to do is go through the program, try each exercise on both sides and right away you will know which one you need to work on the most.

No time wasting guessing what to do or why your training is not working!

We'll show you how to achieve a Side Split Fast, Safe and Easy!
Our programs are scientifically based and created by
a world renowned fitness & flexibility expert Paul Zaichik

Peek inside the Side Splits Program:
Ready to get started?
Thousands of people worldwide have achieved the same results you're dreaming about and you can too!

Got my flexibility back after many years!

Years ago I was flexible enough to get into a right side split. Those days are long gone. With these three videos I hope to achieve splits in all directions. So far, my seated open front stretch has improved. I can just about lay flat on the floor when bending from the waist. I've also gained about an inch in my right side split and anticipate great results.

You can start right now!

-This program is online!
-You can watch from any device.
- Get support from our private group of students.
- Lifetime access.

Here's what you'll get:

This COMBO contains 3 levels (9 videos)
Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced
Each level contains 3 videos:

  • Video 1 : Follow along routines plus explanations before each exercise (duration: 41 minutes).
  • Video 2: Video without explanations to follow along without interruptions.
  • Video 3: Video containing only the explanations for the Zaichik Stretching Techniques for quick reference and review.
  • All videos contain subtitles for better understanding of the techniques and to make it easier for those who need help in understanding the spoken language.
  • Bonus: Access to Stretch180 app that will help you measure your progress, see how you stack up against the others stretching towards their splits and get motivated to keep going.

Contents of the Program. Each program contains 3 videos (9 total in this package) focusing on:

  • Mobility exercises for each joint, to keep your joints healthy and lubricated.
  • Specific warmup exercises to gradually prepare your body for a split.
  • Zaichik Stretching Techniques for each muscle involved in a split, so that your flexibility improves right away without pain.
  • Extended Length Conditioning exercises, so that you not only become flexible but strong as well.
  • Reciprocal Inhibition, plus Movement and Habituation Techniques, for functional flexibility.

#1 Side Split Beginner Program

Beginner Program contains specific warm up and conditioning exercises for the Side Split, the necessary Zaichik Stretching exercises to target the muscles involved in an Side Split as well as a cool down section. This is a great place to start before attempting the usually more demanding open front and side splits. You will learn how to isolate and stretch outer hamstrings and hip flexors muscles.

#2 - Side Split Intermediate Program

Intermediate Program contains specific warm up and conditioning exercises for the Side Split, the necessary Zaichik Stretching exercises to target the muscles involved as well as a cool down section.

#3 - Side Splits Advanced Program

Advanced Program contains specific warm up and conditioning exercises for the Side Split, the necessary Zaichik Stretching exercises to target the muscles involved as well as a cool down section. This is usually trained last, after you achieved flats front splits using the other two programs, so this is more of a rounding off for what you are missing in order to get a full split, mostly additional adductors work and very targeted side split exercises which will give you that extra you need for this more demanding split.
Side (Middle) Split Strength & Flexibility Training at Home
Learn how to do a Side (Middle) Split at home with a proven method that is guaranteed to take you from 0 to a 180 degree split and beyond. We can even predict the date that you'll get your split!

It's easy to get started!

If you are ready to do effortless Splits ANYTIME that you wish with a training method that is Easy, Pain Free and Fast, that is designed to work naturally with your body and keep your flexibility for years to come, then join thousands of satisfied EasyFlexibility practitioners and START YOUR TRAINING TODAY!

This Course includes the following step by step instructions for:
  • Beginner Split
  • Intermediate Split
  • Advanced Split (Beyond 180 degrees)

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