Flexibility Pearls — Developpe

Developpe Content
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
Does your leg feel heavy while doing a Developpe? Would you like to know how to solve this? Then take a look at the ZST technique called Content. The EasyFlexibility ZST is performed in two steps which repeat for a...

Developpe Harmony
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Certified Instructor Judy shows a stretching technique from the Easyflexibility system to achieve effortless extensions, flatter splits, and lighter developpes * It is performed in two steps which alternate and repeat ideally from 3 to 5 times. Watch the video...

Glute Cramps in TIP
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
Have you tried the exercise? If not, look at last week's article here. How was it? Did you face any of these commonly occurring issues? The number one problem when doing a hip turnout properly through the hips is the same...