Flexibility Pearls — strengthen

How long should you stretch for to get maximum results? (Case Study)
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
The question that often comes up is “How long should your stretching session be?” Should it be 30 minutes? An hour? 2 hours? And does it even make a difference? Turns out that it does! According to a research study...

Why are Easyflexibility programs structured the way they are?
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Can I just do all stretching first and all supporting later?Today you will find out the answer to that question. EasyFlexibility is based on a distributed or spaced practice model. This model is one of two major models of learning....

Strength in Flexibility: Foot & Ankle – PART 3
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
Welcome back to the final installment of the Foot & Ankle series. By this time, you have tried a few stretching and strengthening exercises on your own or with the help of the Foot and Ankle Flexibility Program. In PART TWO,...

Strength in Flexibility: Foot & Ankle – PART 2
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
The foot is a dancer’s golden pedestal. Take care of the foot and ankle and dance away with confidence. In PART ONE of this series we spoke about the anatomy of the foot and ankle and introduced stretches for its lateral...