Flexibility Pearls — aerial arts

Full-body stretching routine for flexibility
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
How to stretch all the muscles in your body in one training session. Is this even possible? Full-body stretching routine for flexibility. How to stretch all the muscles in your body in one training session. Is this even possible? There...

Flexibility Training Program: Is it most beneficial standalone or with other fitness activities? [Case Study]
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
When I do my EasyFlexibility programs can I also do other fitness programs in one training session, at the same time? The question that often comes up is “When I do my EasyFlexibility programs can I also do other fitness...

Neck Pain? Neck Stiffness? Headaches? This may be the reason why…
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
I have noticed a pattern between tight shoulders, tight shoulder girdle muscles with neck pain or neck stiffness and headaches. The goal of this article is to get you to pay attention to your body and check thiscorrelation for yourself...

Proper Stretching Order of 4 Hip Muscle Groups. Can You Stretch Them All At The Same Time?
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
How do I open my hips? I get this question a lot and since I've been in the field of stretching flexibility for many years I still get a question when it's phrased in a specific way it's confusing to...

Reach For It: Advancing Your Back and Shoulder Flexibility
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
How did last week go? Are your shoulders feeling more open? Have you been able to grab your foot behind you at all, or made any progress that way? Make sure you are all caught up by reading last week's...

Reach For It: Troubleshooting Back and Shoulder Flexibility
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
By now, you have probably tried last week’s exercise. How is your Pigeon or Dancer Pose coming along? Did you have any issues with it or see any improvements? If you struggled to see any improvement, here are some tips...

Reach For It: Strength and Flexibility In Your Back and Shoulders
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
Have you ever tried to reach back for your foot and felt stuck? We are going to help you with that in this next series. One of the most commonly sought after stretches for yogis, dancers, and aerialists is to...