Long Plateau and Injuries during Splits: [Case Study] – EasyFlexibility

Long Plateau and Injuries during Splits: [Case Study]

Posted by Paul Zaichik on

Long plateau and injuries during splits can be solved with ZST muscle isolation. Case Study.

If you're one of the people that is using regular stretching techniques and you are not getting results or you are getting uninjured. This case study might give you an idea of what could be happening.

One of the people that I worked with in a research group told me that one of his students is having an issue. Reoccurring issue with her splits. I asked if I can
take a look at her.

It wasn't the services I have provided at that time, but I met her and her mom. This was a teenage dancer and her issuewas that she was able to do an open front split with her left leg in front without any problems. But when she tried to do an open front, split with her right leg, she would get pain in her left hip roughly around her abductors.

The girl’s mother was jamming her daughters’ hips by force stretching her.

Her teacher was not yet teaching Zaichik Stretching Techniques in his classes. He still relied on regular stretching techniques. This girl's mother got her daughter to do a split by simply having her get into a split position and pushing her down. This has worked for her left open front split, but did not work for her right open for split. Because she would be jamming her left hip.

I tested all her muscles one by one to see where the issue is. Since she was pretty flexible, I realized the issue might be in one or two muscles. She did not need to do the whole open front split program. Upon testing, I realized that it's Adductor Magnus on her right leg that prevented her from abducting her right leg in a turnout position to the full extent.

And once that muscle would prevent any further movement in a joint on the right side, she would attempt to abduct her left side. But, since the left leg would be in a position where it can be abducted too far before the bones would jam into each other. That constant jamming would cause an injury to her hip.

They have visited the chiropractor, who has believed that her issue is in her left gluteus Medius and he would apply pressure to that area trying to remove trigger points. Perhaps there were trigger point, but removing them or not removing them would not have made any difference because the problem was not in that spot. It was not in the muscle. It was deeper in the joint.

I expected some kind of an injury or scar tissue or something in that right Adductor Magnus and I suspected that the muscle keeps contracting to protect itself. So, I asked the mother to apply pressure on her daughter on the left side and on the right side on the same spot to see if there was any kind of different sensitivity to pain. And indeed, the right side was a lot more painful. Left side was slightly painful simply because of the pressure, but the right side was quite a bit more painful.


Our Programs gives a complete follow along routine to release every muscle in the upper and lower body. This ensures full stretching capacity and decrease chance of injury due to overcompensation of one muscle group for another. This combo includes both Upper body and Lower body programs.

Here is what I suggested:

So I suggested the following: First to apply pressure into that area. Once there is no more pain and the muscle is relaxing to strengthen it, followed by specific exercise for the adductor Magnus isolation Zaichik Stretching Technique specifically for her right Adductor Magnus.

From my experience, when a muscle behaves that way, going straight for the stretching technique will get flexibility, but the muscle might still begin to resist later on. So my recommendation was to apply pressure followed by strength exercises, followed by flexibility exercises and supporting strength exercises was the way to go.

Later on, my research participant told me that the girl was able to do the open front split with her right leg in front, comfortably and without any pain.

If you are in the same situation. And you do not have a professional next to you who can identify the source of pain or the source of tightness. If you are using regular stretching techniques, not Zaichik Stretching Techniques, where you cannot isolate muscles. My recommendation is to go to all the muscles, apply pressure and see if you can find where you feel unilateral tension or discomfort. Or simply do a ball or foam or even hand massage to all the muscles that participate a specific skill.

As I have said many times before in my previous articles. Very often the place where compensation takes place on the body may not be where the problem is. So if you want to do a general release because you're not sure exactly what to target, you can use the upper body or the lower body ball EasyFlexibility massage program.


Our Programs gives a complete follow along routine to release every muscle in the upper and lower body. This ensures full stretching capacity and decrease chance of injury due to overcompensation of one muscle group for another. This combo includes both Upper body and Lower body programs.
© ElasticSteel Corp., EasyFlexibility, Paul Zaichik, et. El., 2022. No part of the materials available through ElasticSteel.com, EasyFlexiiblity.com, site may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of Paul Zaichik EasyFlexibility.com, Elasticsteel.com.. Any other reproduction in any form without the permission of Paul Zaichik EasyFlexibility.com, Elasticsteel.com is prohibited. All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Paul Zaichik, EasyFlexibility.com, Elasticsteel.com.

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