If You Have Chronic Shoulder Pain This Article Will Change Your Life – EasyFlexibility

If You Have Chronic Shoulder Pain This Article Will Change Your Life

Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on

  • If you have chronic shoulder pain...
  • If you have poor range of motion in your shoulder...
  • If you can't enjoy life or sports anymore....
This short article will change your life.
Here is some good news: Most shoulder pains and poor ROM are easy to fix.
You just have been doing it wrong.
What have you been doing?
Have you tried to stretch your shoulder? Have you tried to pull your arm in the direction that it does not go? And that got your pain even worse? That's a normal bodies response.
  • Have you tried to put ointments on it?
  • Have you tried pain medicine? And that relieved for just a short period of time?
If you only learn one thing about your shoulder pain. ONLY ONE THING:
The cause of pain is NOT, where the pain is felt.
How do I know? I am kinesiologist who fixed thousands of shoulders. Including my own...
Most people don't use logic, when it comes to shoulder movement.
...think about it...
You need about 90 degree shoulder flexion to do push ups.
That means if you can't raise your arms to parallel line in front of you, you would not do push ups. Why wouldn't you?

Because you don't have the range of motion for it.

And yet, people who can't lift the arms vertically over their heads, still think that they can operate in that range. Not only operate, but use a lot of force and a lot of speed.
  • People do shoulder presses with dumbells and barbells. Straight up over their heads. People do kettle bells exercises.
  • People even do hands stands and pull ups.
  • People play tennis, valleyball, basketball, baseball, etc.
Do you think you should be doing that, without having the proper range of motion for it.
NO, you should not.
  • You shoulder maybe in ok shape, just no flexible. But with time, you get a damaged shoulder. So now it's damaged and even tighter than before.
  • This is how most people stop doing activities that they enjoy. The activities that make them happy.
  • The beautiful part is that, most of the time the shoulder is healthy. It is simply tight.
  • And more often it's not even the shoulder that is tight. It's the scapula or the shoulder girdle.
It's Easy
  • It's so easy to loosen those muscles up, it's not even funny. But you have to do stretches to target those tight muscles properly.
  • But people don't do that. And If you are reading this, you don't do it.
  • Like most people you probably try to force your shoulder into position you want it to be. Causing pain and nothing more in the process.

Why try to break through the wall or door, if you can simply turn the key and walk in. Like it was intended.

Let's Do A Zaichik Stretching Exercise

Warm up your shoulder and scapula by doing shoulder circles and other arm movements for at least 3 minutes, then slowly try 2 or 3 reps of this exercise.
1- Start as deep as you can, armpit as close to the floor as it is comfortable for you.

2- Apply external rotation to your shoulder, using your head against your wrist to slightly push out.

3- As you return to the starting position drop your arm pit into the floor.
And then step 3 becomes your new starting position! Keep going with the exercise to go deeper and deeper into the stretch.

Watch it in action on this video
Targeted muscles:
Postures that you will get better at by doing the ~Certitude~ Zaichik Stretching Technique

Improves Cowface Pose


Downward Facing Dog

Wheels and Back bends

In this case your Target action is dropping your armpit into the floor, that is, increasing shoulder flexion, which will go deeper and deeper with every repetition.

On the other hand, your Leverage or "helper" move is moving your arm laterally outwards, applying shoulder external rotation and then retreating it back.

At the same time you are retreating the Leverage you will notice that you can go deeper into your Target without any effort. This is the magic of EasyFlexibility's Zaichik Stretching.
Overhead range of motion is a must for a countless number of sports. From weight lifting to basketball, from tennis to gymnastics, from wrestling to swimming, the list goes on.

Being able to stretch the shoulder abductors and extensors, as well as scapula inferior rotators allows the arm to come up to at least vertical line. In many cases more than 180 degree is needed, in throwing sports for example, such as javelin, football and baseball. Same applied to serves in volleyball and rocket sports.

Get your Shoulder Flexion Training Program NOW! Click on the BUY NOW BUTTON below to get started!
Check out what other customers are saying about the program:
© ElasticSteel Corp., EasyFlexibility, Paul Zaichik, et. El., 2022. No part of the materials available through ElasticSteel.com, EasyFlexiiblity.com, site may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated or reduced to any electronic medium or machine-readable form, in whole or in part, without prior written consent of Paul Zaichik EasyFlexibility.com, Elasticsteel.com.. Any other reproduction in any form without the permission of Paul Zaichik EasyFlexibility.com, Elasticsteel.com is prohibited. All materials contained on this site are protected by United States copyright law and may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, displayed, published or broadcast without the prior written permission of Paul Zaichik, EasyFlexibility.com, Elasticsteel.com.

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