5 Easy Neck Exercises for Neck Pain
Posted by Paul Zaichik on

Neck pain is a common ailment that affects many. This pain can range anywhere from being slightly irritating to completely debilitating.
There are a few ways you can alleviate the pain, such as with medications, but sometimes these cause even more side effects and only reduce the problem for a small amount of time. One easy option to use with help with neck pain is by doing exercises. These not only release tension, but can strengthen your muscles. This article will explore more behind what causes neck pain and five simple neck exercises to try to help relieve it.
What Causes Neck Pain?
Neck pain is caused by many different things.
Some of these include:
Some of these include:

● Muscle Strain

● Whiplash

● Arthritis

● Herniated Discs

● Poor Posture
Many medical professionals are now seeing neck pain caused by tech neck. This occurs when you sit in front of a device for too long which can cause stiffness and tension in it.
Symptoms of Neck Pain
This problem doesn’t just cause an uncomfortable feeling around your neck. In fact, it can affect many other parts of your body.

● Difficulty moving your head
● Headaches
● Muscle tightness and spasms in your shoulders
● Numbness in your arms
Types of Neck Pain
There are three main categories of neck pain:

● Acute
● Subacute
● Chronic
Acute pain is the lowest level of neck pain and lasts no more than four weeks. Subacute is slightly more painful and lasts about 12 weeks. Chronic neck pain is the most excruciating type and lasts for a couple of months.
Is Neck Pain That Serious?
Neck pain usually isn’t that big of a problem, but it can be in some cases. For instance, if the pain begins after you suffer an injury or if you suddenly have severe headaches and a loss of coordination in your arms and legs, it’s crucial to visit your doctor.

They’ll be able to quickly identify if your neck pain is a sign of an underlying condition.
5 Simple Exercises to Alleviate Neck
Forward and Backward Tilts
One easy exercise to help stop neck pain is forward and backward tilts. To do this, stand with proper posture and slowly lower your chin down to your chest.

Hold this position for about 20 seconds and then lift your head back up. Then, gently tilt your head back toward your neck and hold for 20 seconds before returning to the original position.
Shoulder Rolls
Shoulder rolls can release tension in your neck which could be the culprit behind the pain you’re experiencing.

To do shoulder rolls, stand straight and slowly raise your shoulders. As you do this, move them forward and in small circular motions. Do this about ten times and then reverse the direction.
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