Wrists, Fingers & Forearm Strength & Flexibility Training at Home
Wrists & Forearms Training
The Wrist and forearm flexibility program is often forgotten and neglected compared to large muscles such as the hamstrings, adductors and even Lats or hip flexors.
In certain disciplines having a strong flexible wrist means the difference between skill and no skill. For example there is hardly a skill in gymnastics that does not require wrist flexibility. Same applies to yoga, parkour and other disciplines.
In certain disciplines having a strong flexible wrist means the difference between skill and no skill. For example there is hardly a skill in gymnastics that does not require wrist flexibility. Same applies to yoga, parkour and other disciplines.

In this Wrists, Fingers & Forearm training program you will learn how to get extremely flexible and strong wrists, fingers and forearm. Here you will learn conditioning exercises, ZST's and Supporting exercises to help you keep your newly found flexibility and strength!
- See visible results in 1 to 3 easy follow along workouts.
- Unique muscle by muscle isolation stretching techniques.
- Fast Progress.
- Permanent Results.
- No Pain.
- No Injuries.
- Flexibility & Strength combined.
- For all ages.
- 30 – 40 minute workouts, 2 – 3 times a week.
- Train at home. At your own pace. On any device.
- Instant Lifetime Access.
- No hidden fees. No strings attached. No surprises.
In majority of rocket and ball sports, the rage of injury to the forearm and wrist can be reduced significantly if the muscles articulating the wrist and fingers are trained for strength and flexibility. Tennis and golfers elbow are among the most common one's. Because of such a large use of the forearmup, many specialized muscles were developed. Each one does a slightly different function. For this reason, each one is stretched slightly differently from kinesiological point of view.
Our program does away with standard relaxed stretches. When working the hand and forearm too often general stretches don't hit every muscles, often neglecting the deeper ones, if the superficial are too tight. Our techniques focus on each muscle one at a time. Two or more actions of each mover are used against each other to create space and quickly gain length and range of motion. Our system also allows to avoid the pain of the stretch reflex.
Our program does away with standard relaxed stretches. When working the hand and forearm too often general stretches don't hit every muscles, often neglecting the deeper ones, if the superficial are too tight. Our techniques focus on each muscle one at a time. Two or more actions of each mover are used against each other to create space and quickly gain length and range of motion. Our system also allows to avoid the pain of the stretch reflex.
You are not going to get a good handstand unless you have flexibility in your wrists!
This should not come as a surprise to you that. If you don't have an appropriate range of motion in your wrist you're going to have a very tough time learning the handstand.
Wrist extension flexibility. Wrist extension is moving the back of your hand in the direction of the back of your forearm. In other words, the dorsal side of your wrist in the direction of the dorsal side of your forearm.
"You must have more flexibility, passively, than you're going to use actively!" It doesn't matter which muscles are being active, the same ones that are being stretched or the opposite to the ones that are being stretched. You need more passive flexibility than active flexibility. In a handstand, it's the same muscles that are being active as the ones being stretched, as far as the fingers, wrist and forearm are concerned.
Flexible wrists seems like an easy no brainer to most people. Most people think that all you have to do is just keep pushing your hand or keep pushing your forearm in a specific direction until you get it. However, that is not the case.
Wrist extension flexibility. Wrist extension is moving the back of your hand in the direction of the back of your forearm. In other words, the dorsal side of your wrist in the direction of the dorsal side of your forearm.
"You must have more flexibility, passively, than you're going to use actively!" It doesn't matter which muscles are being active, the same ones that are being stretched or the opposite to the ones that are being stretched. You need more passive flexibility than active flexibility. In a handstand, it's the same muscles that are being active as the ones being stretched, as far as the fingers, wrist and forearm are concerned.
Flexible wrists seems like an easy no brainer to most people. Most people think that all you have to do is just keep pushing your hand or keep pushing your forearm in a specific direction until you get it. However, that is not the case.
This is not how I work on wrist flexibility, but this is how most people do it. The muscles that flex the wrist and flex the fingers, the ones that prevent the wrist and finger extension, are not uniform. Each one is unique. I will not bore you here with anatomy and kinesiology since this post is not about that. At the same time, supporting exercises must be included. Flexibility is good, but flexibility without strength is not very useful here.
Proprioception and awareness
And when we're talking about hand balancing, there's another very important aspect. Proprioception and awareness. It's not brute strength. It's also an ability to apply a lot of little contractions at the right time. In a very short period of time to adjust so that the body can stay vertical with hand support.
So if you're looking to do a handstand, wrist extension is your first prerequisite. Check it. See if you can get your shoulder at least over your fingertips, which means that there's going to be more than 90 degrees of wrist extension. It's simple. Just get down on the floor. Place your palms on the floor and see how much you can extend your wrist. Ideally with your shoulders being over your fingertips and elbows locked.
If you cannot do that then you need to first work on this program before attempting a handstand one.
If you cannot do that then you need to first work on this program before attempting a handstand one.
Zaichik Stretching Method is unlike anything you've ever tried before!
- Scientifically designed by a world renowned fitness & flexibility expert Paul Zaichik, with over 30 years experience in the field.
- Isolates muscle action one by one (to ensure they are doing their job).
- Takes care of the muscles that are tighter first.
- Allows easier focus, since you are working on one specific area at a time.
- You can do it All on your own! No pushing or bouncing is necessary, not even a partner!
- Remember that phrase 'No Pain - No Gain?', well it doesn't apply to our method. Each stretch is designed to be PAIN-FREE! Thereby eliminating discomfort and allowing you to continue training to achieve faster results.
- Totally safe , since it was designed according to what is natural for your body.
- Gains are permanent and steady. It is very enjoyable to do.
- The approach of our programs is very different from standard stretching approaches. Instead of using other poses, for example such as in Yoga, other Asanas are used to prepare for a stretch, Zaichik Stretching Techniques are used to isolate each muscle being stretched which results in a pain free, fast, easy and safe stretching method.
- Results are visible right away since the stretch reflex is avoided, which means you'll get to show off your flexibility in no time!

It's easy to get started!
If you are ready to start your Wrists, Fingers & Forearm training with a training method that is Easy, Pain Free and Fast, that is designed to work naturally with your body and keep your flexibility for years to come, then join thousands of satisfied EasyFlexibility practitioners and START YOUR TRAINING TODAY!
The price for this course is only $39.95 $29.95
Plus when you sign up for this course you will also get these bonuses:

Stretch 180 App
Flexibility Measurement App Online. This app will measure your splits accurately and tell you how many degrees you are progressing each training session. Track your progress. Give you an estimated date for full splits. Keep you engaged and motivated with your flexibility training. And keep you focused on your EasyFlexibility Goals!

Support Group
Access to a Private Support Group: No longer will you train alone. Now you can be part of a group and train alongside other EasyFlexibility practitioners. Once registered for this course you will gain access to a private support group, where you will find 24-hour active community to share your experience with, ask questions and get advice.

Lifetime Access
Once purchased, this course is your to keep forever! There are no hidden fees and no strings attached. You will not be billed monthly, you pay only one time and get unlimited lifetime access to this program which is kept for you in your very own online library for easy access on any device of your choice, anytime, anywhere.

Please note: that these are not downloadable programs, nor are these programs available in DVD format. All our programs are Pre Recorded Online On Demand Video Strength & Flexibility Training Programs. Once you place your order, you will receive an email containing your login information on how to login to your very own online library which will contain all the programs that you purchase from us. This is an online library, which you can access any time that you wish from any device, phone, computer, ipad. There is no time limit for you to view your programs, you get to keep them in your library indefinitely, and access them any time, anywhere, and for as long as you want to!

Flex All Full Body Combo
This package contains 13 programs:
Back Extension Beginner
Back Extension Intermediate
Hip Flexor Beginner/Intermediate
Hip Flexor Advanced
Side Bending Beginner
Side Bending Intermediate
Hamstrings Beginner
Hamstrings Intermediate
Hamstrings Advanced
Hamstrings Double Forward Bend
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility (flexion)
Adductors Flexibility
Glutes & Iliotibial Band
Back Extension Intermediate
Hip Flexor Beginner/Intermediate
Hip Flexor Advanced
Side Bending Beginner
Side Bending Intermediate
Hamstrings Beginner
Hamstrings Intermediate
Hamstrings Advanced
Hamstrings Double Forward Bend
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility (flexion)
Adductors Flexibility
Glutes & Iliotibial Band

Super Splits Combo
This package contains 12 programs:
Standing Front Split
Standing Side Split
Lord of the Dance Pose
Side Split Beginner
Side Split Intermediate
Side Split Advanced
True Front Split Beginner
True Front Split Intermediate
True Front Split Advanced
Open Front Split Beginner
Open Front Split Intermediate
Open Front Split Advanced
Standing Side Split
Lord of the Dance Pose
Side Split Beginner
Side Split Intermediate
Side Split Advanced
True Front Split Beginner
True Front Split Intermediate
True Front Split Advanced
Open Front Split Beginner
Open Front Split Intermediate
Open Front Split Advanced

Super Grand Dance Combo
This package contains 32 programs + 6 FREE GIFTS! That's 38 programs all together!
Turn Out
Foot & Ankle
Developpe A La Seconde
Arabesque & Attitude Derriere
Attitude Devant
Side Tilt Kick
Side Tilt Kick
Back Extension Beginner
Back Extension Intermediate
Hip Flexor Beginner/Intermediate
Hip Flexor Advanced
Side Bending Beginner
Side Bending Intermediate
Hamstrings Beginner
Hamstrings Intermediate
Hamstrings Advanced
Hamstrings Double Forward Bend
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility (flexion)
Adductors Flexibility
Glutes & Iliotibial Band
Standing Front Split
Standing Side Split
Lord of the Dance Pose, Dancers Pose
Side Split Beginner
Side Split Intermediate
Side Split Advanced
True Front Split Beginner
True Front Split Intermediate
True Front Split Advanced
Open Front Split Beginner
Open Front Split Intermediate
Open Front Split Advanced
Tuck & Pike
High Jump
Ball of the Foot
Perfect Posture
Extended Length Conditioning for Lower Body
Massage Lower Body
Back Extension Intermediate
Hip Flexor Beginner/Intermediate
Hip Flexor Advanced
Side Bending Beginner
Side Bending Intermediate
Hamstrings Beginner
Hamstrings Intermediate
Hamstrings Advanced
Hamstrings Double Forward Bend
Overhead Shoulder Flexibility (flexion)
Adductors Flexibility
Glutes & Iliotibial Band
Standing Front Split
Standing Side Split
Lord of the Dance Pose, Dancers Pose
Side Split Beginner
Side Split Intermediate
Side Split Advanced
True Front Split Beginner
True Front Split Intermediate
True Front Split Advanced
Open Front Split Beginner
Open Front Split Intermediate
Open Front Split Advanced
Tuck & Pike
High Jump
Ball of the Foot
Perfect Posture
Extended Length Conditioning for Lower Body
Massage Lower Body