Hamstrings Flexibility is easy to develop if you are doing it properly.
And very difficult to develop if you are not.
There are several reasons for this...
One being, the fact, that hamstrings stretching is not a one linear type of stretch that fits all the needs of people looking for hamstring flexibility.
There are several reasons for this...
One being, the fact, that hamstrings stretching is not a one linear type of stretch that fits all the needs of people looking for hamstring flexibility.
Hamstring is a general term. Hamstring is a combination of four muscles.
And any one of these muscles can be the reason for tight hamstrings:
And any one of these muscles can be the reason for tight hamstrings:
- Semitendinosus
- Semimembranosus
- Biceps femoris long and short heads
The semitendinosus and semimembranosus form the medial hamstrings, while the long and short head of biceps femoris form the lateral hamstrings.

Even if your hamstrings are flexible, lack of flexibility in the posterior chain muscles will prevent you from bending forward
Regardless, if you're bringing your torso forward toward your leg or you're bringing your leg or both legs toward your body requires flexibility of all the posterior chain muscles that extend the hip, not just the hamstring!
Resistance in any one of these muscles will prevent you from bending forward, even if the hamstrings themselves are flexible.
Resistance in any one of these muscles will prevent you from bending forward, even if the hamstrings themselves are flexible.
- On the inside of the thigh there is Adductor Magnus and Adductor longus that restrict full flexion of the hip.
- On the gluteal side, there's Gluteus Maximus a powerful extensor of the hip.
- But there is also Gluteus Medius. Posterior fibers of Gluteus Medius can also prevent the full hamstrings flexibility or full forward bend.
- And in some positions, depending on position of the femur, Piriformis can play a role as well.
So while all of these muscles are extensions of the hip, they do different work. They kick in at different ranges of the extension and they have a different line of pull.
Different line of pull means that some of these muscles:
Different line of pull means that some of these muscles:
- Extend and adduct.
- Some extend and abduct.
- Some extend then rotate inward.
- Some extend and rotate outward.
- Some cross the knee.
- Some don't cross the knee.

The old hamstrings stretching doesn't address the flexibility needs of individual muscles
So as you can see, all muscles cannot all be stretched the same way. The old hamstring stretching of just sitting on a floor and reaching for the toes, or putting up your foot on a chair and stretching forward doesn't address the flexibility needs of each individual muscle.
And once again, if only one of the aforementioned muscles is tight, you will not be able to do a forward bend. You will not be able to lift your leg in front of you. Or up over your body. Or over your head. All it takes is one muscle to be tight and you will not reach your goal.
It's important to note that all the synergetic muscles are friends. In other words, all the muscles that do the same combined action, for example they all extend the hip, they all want to help each other and will protect each other.
It's important to note that all the synergetic muscles are friends. In other words, all the muscles that do the same combined action, for example they all extend the hip, they all want to help each other and will protect each other.
So if you put one muscle under discomfort, all the other ones or some of the other ones will contract to protect it.
So what happens if you have tightness in one or several muscles? The ones that are not tight might contract as well.
When that happens, you are trying to stretch multiple muscles that are fighting against the stretch and you don't even know which one is the problem.
So how can you solve this issue? The answer is the Zaichik Stretching Techniques!
So what happens if you have tightness in one or several muscles? The ones that are not tight might contract as well.
When that happens, you are trying to stretch multiple muscles that are fighting against the stretch and you don't even know which one is the problem.
So how can you solve this issue? The answer is the Zaichik Stretching Techniques!

Zaichik Stretching Techniques is what sets our Hamstrings Flexibility programs apart from all other programs on the market.
In our Hamstrings Online On Demand Video Training Programs, each muscle is isolated. All the muscles involved are not stretched at the same time, they are isolated.
This way, if one muscle is a problem, it's dealt with separately. Making sure that the other muscles do not prevent you from getting flexible by protecting that muscle. These isolation techniques, called Zaichik Stretching Techniques make up our proprietary stretching system. Zaichik Stretching Techniques are the reason for such high success rate of all our Easy Flexibility programs. Getting the results much faster, much easier and much safer than any other program out there.
This way, if one muscle is a problem, it's dealt with separately. Making sure that the other muscles do not prevent you from getting flexible by protecting that muscle. These isolation techniques, called Zaichik Stretching Techniques make up our proprietary stretching system. Zaichik Stretching Techniques are the reason for such high success rate of all our Easy Flexibility programs. Getting the results much faster, much easier and much safer than any other program out there.
You can try the Zaichik Stretching Technique called ~Peace~ from the Hamstrings Flexibility program right now!
So how do we isolate the muscles?
We do this by positioning the body where the stretch can take advantage of the natural line of pull of the muscle. Which means that the medial hamstring and lateral hamstrings are not stretched the same way. The glutes and adductors are not stretched the same way. For example, gluteus Medius does not stretch the same way as gluteus maximus.
Zaichik Stretching Techniques takes advantage of the fact that each muscle does multiple actions. The stretches have slight movement in them, and this movement uses one action of the muscle to create space for another. In other words, as you do the stretch, you see yourself visibly progressing instead of just holding a stretch and see no progress.
We can go on and on talking about how great EasyFlexibility programs are, or you can try Zaichik Stretching Technique for Hamstrings right now!
Zaichik Stretching Techniques takes advantage of the fact that each muscle does multiple actions. The stretches have slight movement in them, and this movement uses one action of the muscle to create space for another. In other words, as you do the stretch, you see yourself visibly progressing instead of just holding a stretch and see no progress.
We can go on and on talking about how great EasyFlexibility programs are, or you can try Zaichik Stretching Technique for Hamstrings right now!
What is your level of hamstrings flexibility?
EasyFlexibility Hamstrings programs are broken up into different levels. Because after rigorous testing and retesting for many years, we've figured out that a beginner's needs are completely different than that of an advanced student.
Beginner, intermediate and advanced practitioners have different needs. An advanced program is too difficult for a beginner student, and a beginner program is not very useful for an advanced student. But if you do the program at your level, you will progress the fastest.
Here's how you can figure out what level of hamstrings flexibility you currently have and select the program that is right for you.
Beginner, intermediate and advanced practitioners have different needs. An advanced program is too difficult for a beginner student, and a beginner program is not very useful for an advanced student. But if you do the program at your level, you will progress the fastest.
Here's how you can figure out what level of hamstrings flexibility you currently have and select the program that is right for you.
In order to pick the right level you can do a simple test. Answer this question: can you reach your toes having legs straight either sitting or standing?

If you are not at all close then the Beginner Level is for you.

If you can reach your toes, or are almost there, then
the Intermediate Level is for you.
the Intermediate Level is for you.

If you can place palms flat on the floor, and can't really feel a strong stretch or you do but you can hold it comfortably for 30 seconds, then the Advanced Level is for you.
Ready to get started? Thousands of people worldwide have achieved the same results you're dreaming about and you can too!

You can select any of the levels that suit your needs or you may be interested in getting all 4 programs:
- Beginner Hamstrings
- Intermediate Hamstrings
- Advanced Hamstrings
- Double Hamstrings

This Hamstrings Combo will improve your Hamstrings Flexibility steadily, safely, painlessly and quickly with the use of the Proprietary Zaichik Stretching Techniques and Supporting Exercises.
- See visible results in 1 to 3 easy follow along workouts.
- Unique muscle by muscle isolation stretching techniques.
- Fast Progress.
- Permanent Results.
- No Pain.
- No Injuries.
- Flexibility & Strength combined.
- For all ages.
- 30 – 40 minute workouts, 2 – 3 times a week.
- Train at home. At your own pace. On any device.
- Instant Lifetime Access.
- No hidden fees. No strings attached. No surprises.
This program is only $137.80 $119.95
Zaichik Stretching Method is unlike anything you've even tried before!
- Scientifically designed by a world renowned fitness & flexibility expert Paul Zaichik, with over 30 years experience in the field.
- Isolates muscle action one by one (to ensure they are doing their job).
- Takes care of the muscles that are tighter first.
- Allows easier focus, since you are working on one specific area at a time.
- You can do it All on your own! No pushing or bouncing is necessary, not even a partner!
- Remember that phrase 'No Pain - No Gain?', well it doesn't apply to our method. Each stretch is designed to be PAIN-FREE! Thereby eliminating discomfort and allowing you to continue training to achieve faster results.
- Totally safe , since it was designed according to what is natural for your body.
- Gains are permanent and steady. It is very enjoyable to do.
- The approach of our programs is very different from standard stretching approaches. Instead of using other poses, for example such as in Yoga, other Asanas are used to prepare for a stretch, Zaichik Stretching Techniques are used to isolate each muscle being stretched which results in a pain free, fast, easy and safe stretching method.
- Results are visible right away since the stretch reflex is avoided, which means you'll get to show off your flexibility in no time!

This Hamstrings Combo will improve your Hamstrings Flexibility steadily, safely, painlessly and quickly with the use of the Proprietary Zaichik Stretching Techniques and Supporting Exercises.
- See visible results in 1 to 3 easy follow along workouts.
- Unique muscle by muscle isolation stretching techniques.
- Fast Progress.
- Permanent Results.
- No Pain.
- No Injuries.
- Flexibility & Strength combined.
- For all ages.
- 30 – 40 minute workouts, 2 – 3 times a week.
- Train at home. At your own pace. On any device.
- Instant Lifetime Access.
- No hidden fees. No strings attached. No surprises.
This program is only $137.80 $119.95