Advanced Splits Combo – EasyFlexibility
Advanced Splits Combo – EasyFlexibility

Side, Open Front & True Front Splits Strength & Flexibility Training at Home


Learn how to do a Side, Open Front and True Front Split at home with a proven method that is guaranteed to learn new set of ZST's and Supporting Exercises to help get you beyond the 180 degree split!.

  • See visible results in 1 to 3 easy follow along workouts.
  • Unique muscle by muscle isolation stretching techniques.
  • Fast Progress.
  • Permanent Results.
  • No Pain.
  • No Injuries.
  • Flexibility & Strength combined.
  • For all ages.
  • 30 – 40 minute workouts, 2 – 3 times a week.
  • All videos contain subtitles.
  • Train at home. At your pace. From any device.
  • Instant Access.
  • No hidden fees. No strings attached. No surprises.
Click here to get started!

Zaichik Stretching Method is unlike anything you've ever tried before!

  • Scientifically designed by a world renowned fitness & flexibility expert Paul Zaichik, with over 30 years experience in the field.
  • Isolates muscle action one by one (to ensure they are doing their job).
  • Takes care of the muscles that are tighter first.
  • Allows easier focus, since you are working on one specific area at a time.
  • You can do it All on your own! No pushing or bouncing is necessary, not even a partner!
  • Remember that phrase 'No Pain - No Gain?', well it doesn't apply to our method. Each stretch is designed to be PAIN-FREE! Thereby eliminating discomfort and allowing you to continue training to achieve faster results.
  • Totally safe , since it was designed according to what is natural for your body.
  • Gains are permanent and steady. It is very enjoyable to do.
  • The approach of our programs is very different from standard stretching approaches. Instead of using other poses, for example such as in Yoga, other Asanas are used to prepare for a stretch, Zaichik Stretching Techniques are used to isolate each muscle being stretched which results in a pain free, fast, easy and safe stretching method.
  • Results are visible right away since the stretch reflex is avoided, which means you'll get to show off your flexibility in no time!

This Online On Demand Video Training Course Contains:

Side (Middle) Split Advanced Program
This program will help you master an oversplit! In this Side Split Advanced training program you will continue to improve your split going above the 180 degrees that you've gained in the intermediate level. Here you will learn a set of new conditioning exercises, ZST's and Supporting exercises to help keep your newly found flexibility. 
Beyond 180 Degrees
Open Front Split Advanced Program
This program will help you master an oversplit! In this Open Front Split Advanced training program you will continue to improve your split going above the 180 degrees that you've gained in the intermediate level. Here you will learn a set of new conditioning exercises, ZST's and Supporting exercises to help keep your newly found flexibility. 
Beyond 180 Degrees
True Front Split Advanced Program
This program will help you master an oversplit! In this True Front Split Advanced training program you will continue to improve your split going above the 180 degrees that you've gained in the intermediate level. Here you will learn a set of new conditioning exercises, ZST's and Supporting exercises to help keep your newly found flexibility. 
Beyond 180 Degrees

Look inside this training program:

In each program you will learn:

Mobility Exercises
Mobility exercises for each joint, to keep your joints healthy and lubricated.
Skill Specific Warmup
Skill Specific warmup exercises to gradually prepare your body for a split. 
Zaichik Stretching Techniques
Proprietary stretching techniques, for each muscle involved in a split, so that your flexibility improves right away without pain.
Unique Flexibility & Strength Supporting Techniques
Special techniques that allow you to retain your newly gained flexibility and connect it to your target skill. 

Plus when you sign up for this course you will also get these bonuses:

Stretch180 App
Flexibility Measurement App Online. This app will measure your splits accurately and tell you how many degrees you are progressing each training session. Track your progress. Give you an estimated date for full splits. Keep you engaged and motivated with your flexibility training. And keep you focused on your EasyFlexibility Goals!
Support Group
Access to a Private Support Group: No longer will you train alone. Now you can be part of a group and train alongside other EasyFlexibility practitioners. Once registered for this course you will gain access to a private support group, where you will find 24-hour active community to share your experience with, ask questions and get advice. 
Lifetime Access
Once purchased, this course is your to keep forever! There are no hidden fees and no strings attached. You will not be billed monthly, you pay only one time and get unlimited lifetime access to this program which is kept for you in your very own online library for easy access on any device of your choice, anytime, anywhere. 
Try a Free Zaichik Stretching Technique called ~Content~ from the EasyFlexibility Side Split Training Program right now!

Ready to get started? Thousands of people worldwide have achieved the same results you're dreaming about and you can too!

It's easy to get started!

If you are ready to do effortless Splits ANYTIME that you wish with a training method that is Easy, Pain Free and Fast, that is designed to work naturally with your body and keep your flexibility for years to come, then join thousands of satisfied EasyFlexibility practitioners and START YOUR TRAINING TODAY!

This Course includes the following step by step instructions for:
  • Advanced Side Split
  • Advanced Open Front Split
  • Advance True Front Split
The price for this course is only $89.97 $59.95
Yes! I'm ready to Start my Splits Training Right Now!

Don't take our word for it, see what our students have to say...

Got my full side split in a little over a month!
I simply cannot believe the results! Kept what I got and kept going to an oversplit! Can't wait to share my results with you! Thank you! Thank you! -Gina F.

Zaichik Stretching Method is unlike anything you've ever tried before!

Zaichik Stretching Method is unlike anything you've ever tried before!

  • Scientifically designed by a world renowned fitness & flexibility expert Paul Zaichik, with over 30 years experience in the field.
  • Isolates muscle action one by one (to ensure they are doing their job).
  • Takes care of the muscles that are tighter first.
  • Allows easier focus, since you are working on one specific area at a time.
  • You can do it All on your own! No pushing or bouncing is necessary, not even a partner!
  • Remember that phrase 'No Pain - No Gain?', well it doesn't apply to our method. Each stretch is designed to be PAIN-FREE! Thereby eliminating discomfort and allowing you to continue training to achieve faster results.
  • Totally safe , since it was designed according to what is natural for your body.
  • Gains are permanent and steady. It is very enjoyable to do.
  • The approach of our programs is very different from standard stretching approaches. Instead of using other poses, for example such as in Yoga, other Asanas are used to prepare for a stretch, Zaichik Stretching Techniques are used to isolate each muscle being stretched which results in a pain free, fast, easy and safe stretching method.
  • Results are visible right away since the stretch reflex is avoided, which means you'll get to show off your flexibility in no time!

Zaichik Stretching Method is a proven and tested method!

Zaichik Stretching Method is a proven and tested method that took Paul Zaichik, the founder of EasyFlexibility, 30 years of rigorous testing, experimentation, and deep knowledge of the human body to perfect.

30 years of knowledge compressed into concise, easy to follow online training course which will take 30 – 40 minutes of your time, 2 – 3 times a week to get the results you’re dreaming about!

With ZST (Zaichik Stretching Technique) there is no guess work involved. Each stretch is designed to isolate the muscles that are the culprits of flexibility issues.

What this means is that in just a few sessions you will be able to see improvement and not just feel it but actually measure it with a special free measuring app which will show you exactly how many degrees you have improved in your flexibility.

Zaichik Stretching Method is based on facts, science and lots of research and yet is very simple to understand. All of our programs are pre-recorded online video training step by step tutorials. There is absolutely no guess work involved, no time wasting guessing what to do or why your training is not working! Everything is easy to understand, do and follow, and most importantly GET RESULTS.

Zaichik Stretching Method is designed for ALL people of ALL AGES and FITNESS BACKGROUNDS!

This method is not reserved for some elite and fit people who have been working out their whole lives and now are easily getting their splits. This method is designed for ALL people, of ALL fitness backgrounds, of ALL ages! Even if you have never worked out a day in your life you will be able to follow our programs and GET RESULTS!

Why are we so confident?

Because, other stretching methods out there rely on forcing all of your muscles to stretch at the same time. Leaving you sitting in a straddle, in pain, frustrated and ready to give up. or most people it is associated with discomfort, pain and perhaps even injury due to the invasive nature of the applied exercise. Why that happens you may wonder. The answer is simple - most training routines don’t factor in the need for relaxation between contraction periods, which leads to tension and stress.

Zaichik Stretching Technique on the other hand, allows for complete focus not only on each hip individually, but on each of the muscles separately! This ensures that your flexibility is coming from all of your muscles. Where each muscle does it's job without slacking off, instead of all the pressure being placed on an already exhausted, overworked and overstretched muscles. This means that every single stretch is scientifically designed to target one muscle at a time, translating into a very safe and nourishing experience for your body.

Zaichik Stretching Technique takes care of the muscles that are tighter first.

Tight muscles translate into easy injuries.
Traditional stretching methods focus on all muscle stretches at the same time. Zaichik Stretching Technique (ZST) allows you to focus on muscles that are the underlying cause of slow progress and potential injury. Releasing tight muscles first allows for a much more enjoyable stretching session, leaving you feeling renewed, relaxed and refreshed and yet invigorated to tackle any task of the day.

Zaichik Stretching Method allows easier focus since you are working on one specific area at a time.

Instead of doing the same stretches over and over again with ZST method you will be able to strategically focus on a specific area of your body. This allows muscle memory to kick in and help you achieve steady results.

You can do it all on your own!

No pushing or bouncing is necessary, not even a partner. This is freedom at it's finest, no longer will you need a partner or anything but your own body and the floor to get flexible fast. This means that you can do these very enjoyable stretches at the time that works for you. No need to go anywhere or spend tons of money on one-on-one stretching sessions that don't work. With ZST you acquire much more than freedom, you acquire the KEY to success!

Zaichik Stretching Method is PAIN FREE!

Remember that phrase "No Pain - No Gain?" Well, it doesn't apply to our method. Each stretch is designed to be Pain-FREE. Thereby eliminating discomfort to allow you to continue training to achieve faster results.

Zaichik Stretching Method is the only stretching method that is NATURAL for YOUR BODY!

Totally safe, since it was designed according to what is natural for your body. Paul Zaichik, a World Renowned Fitness & Flexibility expert has spent many decades perfecting the Zaichik Stretching Techniques. Having tested this method on himself, his family and thousands of people around the world the conclusion was evident. Everyone achieved results without injuries! This is possible due to the succession of each element forming the ZST. Each technique responding to the natural movement of the body, transforming it from within.

Gains are permanent and steady.

Unlike other stretching techniques ZST is designed to give you results that last. No longer will you need to start over every time you stretch. Utilizing muscle memory, your body will start from where it left off the last time you stretched, working in unison with your mind and your desire to progress further. The endless struggle of mind vs matter will come to an end where your body will be in tune with your mind allowing for fast flexibility gains steadily helping you to attain your goals.

Zaichik Stretching Method combines Strength & Flexibility into One workout session!

It is very enjoyable to do, and feels more like a workout. If you're worried that you will not have enough time to squeeze in a full body workout, you will. With ZST method you're getting much more than just a stretching routine. You are also getting a strength training workout. Strengthening and stretching your muscles in one session is a win-win for your body, keeping it a lean, mean, strength and flexibility performing machine.

Each ZST session will have you walk away refreshed, relaxed and yet invigorated ready for the most rigorous activity of the day. With ZST results are visible right away since the stretch reflex is avoided! This only means one thing: You'll get to show off your flexibility in no time! After experiencing the Zaichik Stretching Techniques: "Watch out for my superhuman flexibility" will become your mantra.

It's easy to get started!

If you are ready to do effortless Splits ANYTIME that you wish with a training method that is Easy, Pain Free and Fast, that is designed to work naturally with your body and keep your flexibility for years to come, then join thousands of satisfied EasyFlexibility practitioners and START YOUR TRAINING TODAY!

This Course includes the following step by step instructions for:
  • Advanced Side Split
  • Advanced Front Split
  • Advanced Front Split
The price for this course is only $89.97 $59.95
Yes! I'm ready to get started with my Splits Training Right Now!

Enough time wasted!

Stop wasting time and money, risking your health, hitting plateaus, wondering how to reach your goal instead of working towards it! Start your EasyFlexibility Splits Training Program right NOW and soon it will be YOU sitting in a full 180 degree Splits MUCH SOONER than you expect!
Please note: that these are not downloadable programs, nor are these programs available in DVD format. All our programs are Pre Recorded Online On Demand Video Strength & Flexibility Training Programs. Once you place your order, you will receive an email containing your login information on how to login to your very own online library which will contain all the programs that you purchase from us. This is an online library, which you can access any time that you wish from any device, phone, computer, ipad. There is no time limit for you to view your programs, you get to keep them in your library indefinitely, and access them any time, anywhere, and for as long as you want to!