Flexibility Pearls — stretching

Arabesque Analysis
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
On the left, you see a picture of a beginner's arabesque. And thisis a technique we are going to analyze. And for comparison, you're seeing anadvanced student performing an arabesque on the right. This analysis will answer the question "what...

Developpe Content
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
Does your leg feel heavy while doing a Developpe? Would you like to know how to solve this? Then take a look at the ZST technique called Content. The EasyFlexibility ZST is performed in two steps which repeat for a...

Differences between Pectineus ZST and Tensor fascia latae ZST
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Pectineus ZST (Zaichik Stretching Technique) is often confused with the Tensor Fascia Latae ZST. The difference is not very subtle. It’s visible but amongst so many ZST’s in different positions of the body one has to understand why Tensor fascia...