Flexibility Pearls — flexibility

True Front Split: Stop Cheating Yourself
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
You think you’re doing a split but you’re not! Stop cheating yourself! 10 issues that are preventing you from doing a True Front Split, reasons and solutions. If you have been faking a split, you're only cheating yourself. Here's how...

Why is it easier to do a turn out in the second position than in the first position?
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
I got this question quite a lot of times, usually from bullet dancers “How come I can turn out a lot more in the second position, than I can in the first position?” For those of you who are not...

Arabesque Analysis
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
On the left, you see a picture of a beginner's arabesque. And thisis a technique we are going to analyze. And for comparison, you're seeing anadvanced student performing an arabesque on the right. This analysis will answer the question "what...

Developpe Content
Posted by EasyFlexibility Team on
Does your leg feel heavy while doing a Developpe? Would you like to know how to solve this? Then take a look at the ZST technique called Content. The EasyFlexibility ZST is performed in two steps which repeat for a...

What to do when the progress slows down or stops
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
What to do when the progress slows down or stops So what do you do when you have been getting steady progress and all suddenly your gains have slowed down or stopped? Preliminary Precautions The first thing to do is...

Supporting flexibility with strength
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Supporting flexibility with strength How much resistance to use and how many reps to perform In the EasyFlexibility system flexibility exercises called ZST or Zaichik Stretching Techniques are supported by retention exercises. The retention exercises are broken up into two...

Should each muscle be stretched for the same length of time?
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
Should each muscle be stretched for the same length of time? In EasyFlexibility time is measured by the number of leverage-target pairs. So when someone would say I held this stretch five seconds or I held that stretch for 10...

5 Deadly Sins of Stretching
Posted by Paul Zaichik on
In this article we’ll talk about the most serious mistakes when training for flexibility. It’s extremely important that you pay attention to these, since making these mistakes will, if you are lucky, just get you stuck, however, in many cases...